Words from David

Created by Susie 8 months ago
R.I.P My dear friend Paul Charlick .
Today, I lost one of the best friends of my entire life.  Let me tell you something about Paul.   He was what I call 'Not A Good Time Friend.'... What I mean by that is, Paul was a friend who was there for you, in the bad times aswell as the good.  He showed his love not through silly words but, through actions.  He carried my bags across London when I was in Hospital.  He sat up by my bed all night when I was in terrible pain.  He was who I turned to whenever I needed wise words and advice.  For twenty six years, 'always' there.  Always calm and patient....and now a part of me will be forever lost without him. 
You were so brave.
Rest in forever loving peace 
You'll never leave my heart.